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Governing Body

St John Henry Newman Catholic School– Governors’ Strategic Vision 2023-2028   

This text sets out our aspirations for St John Henry Newman Catholic School and our pupils.  It provides a description of the school we would like to see evolve over the next five years.

In everything we do, we aim to affirm Cardinal Newman's Inspirational maxim:

Cor ad Cor Loquitur (Heart Speaks to Heart) 

We will strive to be a school which is marked by:

  • Christian values, where Catholic teaching is at the heart of school life
  • equal respect for each member of a school community which is safe, inclusive and nurturing of all
  • a staff team dedicated to our pupils and committed to professional self-improvement no matter what our role
  • a curriculum which fosters curiosity, challenges all pupils and enables them to explore wider horizons to make sense of the changing world around them
  • promotion of positive career routes for all pupils, including through membership of our own distinctive sixth form
  • active participation in the Bishop’s vision for Catholic education in the diocese as a member of the Mater Christi multi-academy trust

As a result of our collective efforts, we anticipate our pupils will:

  • become well rounded young people, open minded and receptive, honest and truthful
  • grow into generous, grateful, hopeful adults able to fulfil their spiritual and personal potential
  • be shaped by Christian values, discerning, compassionate and actively serving society
  • know that they are valued and cared for, confident in their personal gifts and equipped to develop their unique strengths
  • have respect for their own dignity and the dignity of others, able to act as both leaders and good team players
  • develop into self-disciplined and courteous young people, conscious that they can be a positive example to others


Each year’s School Improvement Plan will take us closer to achieving these ambitions and will represent the practical, short-term steps required to realise this vision.

Date of
Term of     
Category Committee Membership / Link Governor Business and Pecuniary Interests
Ms Amanda Yellowley Sep-20 4 Years   Governors Parent
E-Safety Governor
Parent of two Newman Pupils
Eden District Council
Mr Andrew Abernethy Oct-19 4 Years   Local Authority Local Authority Standards & Staffing 
Finance & Facilities
Staff Development Governor
PRU management committee
Carlisle College Board
Miss Tina Battle Oct-21 4 Years   Diocese Foundation Chair of Governors
Standards & Staffing (Chair), 
Chaplaincy Group
SEND Governor
Safeguarding Governor
Well-being Governor

Mr Don Austin Jul-21 4 Years   Diocese Foundation Finance & Facilities
Student Discipline Cttee (Chair)
Attendance Governor
Mrs Cath Fullerton Sep-20 4 Years   Diocese Foundation Standards & Staffing 
Behaviour for Learning Governor
Safeguarding Governor
Mr Stephen Higgs Sep-19 4 Years   Governors Associate Finance & Facilities (Chair), Remuneration
(No voting rights)
Health & Safey / Premises Governor
Tho. Graham Trust Wetheral Parish Council     
Executive member - Carlisle City Council   
Governor - Shankhill CofE Primary School
Mr Jack Johnstone Dec-22 4 Years   Diocese Foundation Standards & Staffing 
Finance & Facilities
Careers Governor
Mr John McAuley N/A N/A   N/A HeadTeacher All committees  
Ms Cath Reynolds Dec-19 4 Years Jan-22 Governors Associate Standards & Staffing, DIG
(No voting rights)
Sixth Form Governor
Mrs Francesca Robinson Sep-21 4 Years  June 2022 Diocese Parent  Standards & Staffing Parent of two Newman Pupils
Fr Luiz Ruscillo Sep-21 4 Years   Diocese Foundation Chaplaincy Group

RE Governor
Trustee - The Faith Movement
Trustee - The Metanoia Project 
Governor - Mater Christi Multi-Academy Trust

Mr John Sherrington Nov-17 4 Years Dec-21 Diocese Foundation Standards & Staffing, DIG,

Parent of a Newman pupil    Carlisle College
Mrs Louise Tickell Nov-20 4 Years   Staff Staff  Standards & Staffing Staff member at Newman
Mr Chris Wilkins Dec-19 4 Years   Diocese Foundation Standards & Staffing
Equality Governor
Cumbria Education Trust

Governors Diversity Data

The governors of St John Henry Newman Catholic School believe it is important that boards reflect the diversity of the school communities they serve. Diverse boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for staff and young people.

The governors are currently collecting data on the diversity of the board, including data on age, gender and ethnicity. They will use that data to inform their recruitment and training needs and ensure there is a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making.

Due to our relatively small governing body we do not publish this diversity data online as individual governors could be identified and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal data.

Think U Know
Young Writers
Catholic Teaching Alliance
Accelerated Reader
Microsoft Office Specialist
Ofsted ParentView
