From September 2020, Health, Relationships and Sex Education has become compulsory for all secondary schools. At St John Henry Newman Catholic School, this will primarily be delivered through a dedicated lesson in RE time and complemented by relevant learning in other subjects as well as SALAD days. Please see the attached Learning Journey to view a summary of the scheme of learning throughout all year groups. As you will see from the colour-coding, the curriculum has been planned on a spiral principle so that topics can be delivered to each year group in an age-appropriate way and can be built on as pupils progress through our school. For more detailed information about the contents of each topic, please see the attached Newsletters for each half term. HRSE is statutory for KS3 and KS4 but we also believe that it is important that this education does not stop at the end of year 11 so a bespoke citizenship programme is delivered to Sixth Form students through form time. HRSE provision for all year groups is supplemented and supported by our half-termly SALAD days (Speaking and Listening Activity Development Days).
HRSE is a subject that goes far beyond lessons. It is delivered in a variety of ways at St John Henry Newman School. Assemblies are used to present key teaching points but the majority of our citizenship curriculum is delivered across all subjects. Pupils are encouraged to be active citizens and are encouraged to participate in a wide range of opportunities throughout the school year. At St John Henry Newman School we ensure that every pupil undertakes study and activity that not only meets the program of study but endeavours to develop each pupil into an independent thinking world citizen.
If you have any queries regarding HRSE please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.
Miss Lowrey