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Welcome to the Music Department!

Here is a whistle stop introduction to the Music Department here at St. John Henry Newman Catholic School.

We have a very well-equipped department to help you create and learn new skills in practical and theoretical music studies.

The Music Department is situated on the top floor of the school. The main classroom is equipped with 16 digital keyboard workstations – each station has a PC and a monitor which are linked to the school network. 

The department is also equipped with: Electro / Acoustic guitars, bass guitars, drums and percussion, electronic drums and ukuleles as well as recording equipment.  

The rooms combined, have a good level of soundproofing.

Pupils at KS3 receive a one-hour Music lesson per week and are taught in mixed ability form groups. Pupils follow a different unit of work in each half term covering a variety of practical, composing and listening tasks.

In Year 10 and 11, pupils receive two hours of Music per week if they choose music as a guided choice. The school follows the Eduqas exam syllabus.

Instrumental Music Lessons

If your child is interested in starting/continuing music lessons here at Newman, then contact Mrs Shirley by email:

Let’s take a look at the Music Department!


Key Stage 3

From the very first lesson, we begin to use the correct musical vocabulary and language. This will help embed the essential knowledge required to develop effortlessly in the subject of Music. The curriculum is designed to be a ‘musical journey’ of basic ability, both practical and theoretical, progressing onto more complex and integral music skills. Pupils are welcome to participate in Extra Curricular Activities such as Music Club and Choir.

Key Stage 4 – Years 10/11

At present pupils follow the Eduqas GCSE course. There are four areas of study which will incorporate performing, appraising and composing.
  • AoS1 Musical Forms and Devices – an exploration of eras in orchestral music and structures used by composers.
  • AoS2 Music for ensemble – exploration texture and sonority of combinations of groups of players.
  • AoS3 Film Music – how films music is created, developed and performed and its impact on the audience.
  • AoS4 Pop Music – different idioms of pop music are explored as well as composing techniques and development of pop culture through the ages.

It is split into 3 components :

  1. Performance – Pupils will perform a minimum of 2 pieces with one being a solo and one being an ensemble (group). The duration must be between 4 and 6 minutes. 30% of the qualification.
  2. Composing and Appraising Music. Two compositions, one set a brief released by the exam board and one linked to the area of study. Compositions to be 3-6 minutes in length in total. 30% of the qualification.
  3. Listening and appraising. The final exam is 1hr and 15 minutes long. It assesses their knowledge of the 4 areas of study as well as musical aural skill. This is the final 40% of the qualification.

Information – Peripatetic Music Lessons

The following peripatetic music lessons are available

Mrs J McGuffie (piano and singing)

Mr I Matthews (drums, guitar and bass guitar)

Mr R Henderson (clarinet, flute, saxophone)


If your child would like to learn an instrument that is not listed above, please get in touch as it could be arranged. Lesson slots are allocated on a first come, first served basis, with priority given to those taking GCSE music.

- Audacity - recording program
- Musescore - notation program
- Bitesize GCSE Music
Think U Know
Young Writers
Catholic Teaching Alliance
Accelerated Reader
Microsoft Office Specialist
Ofsted ParentView
