Pupil Parliament
In Autumn term, all form groups will elect a Pupil Parliament representative. The main aim of student parliament is so that the pupils can have their voices heard and can be represented in choices that the school makes. We will confirm their names on the website when the elections have taken place.
In the previous school year, we have had a visit from Chris Barry who works for Cumberland County Council and he came in to school to discuss the roles of a student parliament and how it can be used in the wider community and even at the Houses of Parliament itself. He emphasised the importance of the voices of the youth and how they can have a positive effect on the world in the current climate. All the pupils have been invited to work alongside Chris in their own time at Carlisle Youth Zone. Other meetings that the student parliament has held is ‘What they like’ and ‘What they would like to change’. A variety of topics have been discussed, from the school menu to use of water fountains and use of outside space during breaks and lunchtimes. All these topics will be continued to be discussed in the new academic year of 2023 – 2024. I am really looking forward to meeting with the pupils on a half termly basis so we can allow the student voice to be heard.
Thanks, Mrs Wallace