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Newman School News

Cumbria School Games - Orienteering

Year 7 & 8 had a great day at the Cumbria School Games on Wednesday 6 July at the Sheepmount. They all worked incredibly hard and kept challenging themselves to get the courses correct and their fastest time. They had the opportunity to try very competitive styles of orienteering and sample how it is done in the big competitions when ...
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Want Some Garden Furniture??

So for all of you who have been following the designing and manufacturing of Year 9 BTECs public seating project, the wait is over! The pupils have finally finished and a huge well done to everyone involved from the DT Team, the pupils have done really well and we hope they all enjoyed the process. I am sure we all agree that they have done an amaz...
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Spellbinding Awards 2022

A huge thank you to all of the Spellbinders for taking part in this year's awards, for all of their reading, reviews, comments, engagement, and enthusiasm. It really was amazing to see reading for pleasure celebrated in such a way. Five of the Spellbinding group were invited to attend the Spellbinding Book Awards last week to represent the school a...
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Clothing Grant

You can use the following link if you wish to apply for Free Schools Meals. A clothing voucher is also available and there has been an increase in the amount t - Apply for free school meals and clothing vouchers | Cumbria County Council
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Carlisle Schools Cricket Competition

 Well done to the Year 7 boys who took part in the Carlisle schools competition today down at Carlisle Cricket club. The boys won 2 games against RRC and Limehouse losing in games against RRM and Trinity. It was pleasing to see the boys improve as the day went on. Hopefully they will continue to attend after school cricket club on a Monda...
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Carlisle District Athletics Competition

Well done to all the Year 7 & 8 pupils who took part in the Carlisle District athletics competition yesterday. We had both team and individual success on the day. The Year 7 boys and girls combined score meant that we finished in 3rd place overall behind Caldew and the winners Trinity.We also had a number of individuals who finished either 1st ...
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Study Leave

As the Year 11 exam period draws to a close, we are going to introduce structured study leave for the remainder of the exam period. This will start on Wednesday 15th June where pupils who do not study History or Technology will be dismissed from school at 12:30 to continue their revision at home. Those that study history will be dismissed at 13:30 ...
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Year 10 & 12 PPE's

The Year 10 and Year 12 PPE's start on Monday 6 June until Friday 1 July 2022.  Pupils have been issued with timetables.
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Year 10 GCSE Geography Field Trip

The Year 10 GCSE Geography Field Trip is on Monday 27 June. Letters have been emailed to parents/carers outlining details of the trip and payment can be made via iPay. 
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Year 11 Exam Revision

For the first time in several years GCSE examinations are taking place. To help pupils prepare the Exam Boards have released guidance on what pupils should be revising. They will only be tested on the content in this booklet. Teachers have been supporting the pupils with revision skills and highlighting the key content.  As exam time...
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War Memorials

If you are an ex pupil or member of staff then you may recognise our new display at school. Thanks to Peter Naylor, the artefacts which were severely damaged in the last flood, have now been restored and with the addition of some information boards written by our current pupils now have pride of place in our school hall. Big thank you to Councillor...
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Family Action

Family Action is a charity that provides practical, emotional and financial support for families. Pupils in school have already been introduced to Family action through a Y7UP Assembly and informed of when drop in sessions are. For support call 0808 802 666 text 07537404282 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. their website is
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Year 9 BTEC construction class

Our Year 9 BTEC construction class had been given the brief to design and manufacture some public seating for the school. This first lesson was research, so they were looking at existing benches that we have in school and in local areas to see design ideas and ergonomics. Luckily for them the sun was shinning.
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Keeping Safe Online

We would like to share the latest copy of Vodafone's Digital Parenting. This online magazine provides interesting information about how we can get the most out of technology but more importantly, how we can help our children to do this safely and responsibly.
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Year 12's Visiting Newcastle University

All pupils in Year 12 visited Newcastle University on Thursday 21 April. The aim of the day was to help pupils to think about whether Higher Education is the right choice for them. They took part in several activities, including choosing the right course; student life; and study skills.
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Events at Castlerigg

Announcing the Castlerigg Open Day!! // Sunday July 17th, 1pm to 5pm (Mass at 4pm). Come along, see Castlerigg, have a load of fun, and help us raise some money to help us in our work!World Youth Day Lisbon 2023 // August 2023 // We are delighted to launch the Lancaster package for Lisbon. Do you know anyone aged 18-25 who wants to go to Lisbon, se...
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Whole School Careers Fair

We had a fantastic whole school careers event today.  All year groups visited the event and had the opportunity to speak to local employers and higher education providers. The pupils really engaged with all the various employers and the event ran throughout the day was a great success.  
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Cumbria's Holiday Activity and Food Easter programme

Cumbria's Holiday Activity and Food Easter programme has launched, offering hundreds of activities across Cumbria during the Easter school holidays, free for eligible Cumbrian young people. Please click here for details
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Careers Fair - Friday 1 April 2022

We are holding a whole school careers fair in school on Friday 1 April.  This is an opportunity for all pupils in all key stages to engage with a variety of employers; Further and Higher Education providers; and training providers.
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KS3 Achievement Trip to Fusion

As part of our Key Stage 3 student of the month rewards programme we had a great morning at Fusion trampoline park this week.
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Think U Know
Young Writers
Catholic Teaching Alliance
Accelerated Reader
Microsoft Office Specialist
Ofsted ParentView
