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Newman School News

British Music Experience in Liverpool

We took a group of Year 9 & 10 pupils to journey through more than 6 decades of popular culture at the British Music Experience in Liverpool. The pupils took part in a music quiz through the decades and then visited the interactive music experience where they could try out a musical instrument with the best music equipment available, from drum ...
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Year 7 & Year 12 Settling In Evening - Tuesday 10 October 2023

The Year 7 and Year 12 Online Settling in Evening is now open via our online platform SchoolCloud for parents to make an appointment with their child's form tutor/Head of Year.
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Duke of Edinburgh Final Expedition

Congratulations  to our Bronze Duke of Edinburgh pupils who completed their final walking expedition last weekend.
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Year 5 Primary School Visit

We recently welcomed Year 5's from Upperby Primary School to take part in a carousel of workshops. The pupils enjoyed sessions in PE, Art and Music. 
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Relics Tour

On Wednesday 27th September, 41 of our pupils attended mass at St Margaret Mary's Church to venerate the relics of St Andrew, St Columba and St Margaret of Scotland. They represented the school incredibly well and were a credit to us and to their parents. Several members of the public commented positively to staff.
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We had a fantastic Speaking and Listening Activity Development Day today. Year 7 enjoyed learning about blood and organ donation with the science department whilst year 8 got to grips with some key debates in current affairs. Year 9 were exploring world religions and year 10 were learning about sound financial planning including household bills and...
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Extra Curricular Autumn Timetable

Our extra curricular timetable is available to view here
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Year 5 Tours

If you missed our Open Evening in June, we would like to invite you to join us for a tour of the school with your child. Please contact Julie Hannen on 01228 404942 (ext 220) to book a slot.  Appointments should be made in advance and tours will be held on weekday evenings between 4.15 and 5.45pm, from Monday 25 September to Friday 13 October....
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Autumn Term begins on Wednesday 6 September 2023

All pupils will return to school on Wednesday 6 September 2023 at 8.50 am when the Autumn term begins.
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A Level & GCSE Examination Results Day

Exam results will be available on the following dates: Thursday 17 August - A level and Thursday 24 August – GCSE. On these dates, school will be open from 9.00 am to11.00 am for pupils to collect their results, if pupils are unable to attend in person, please contact the school office to make alternative arrangements with Mrs Murison, th...
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For information - School Closure

Due to significant water damage caused by an internal leak over the weekend, the school will be closed for the remainder of the school term.  Work will be set for pupils on classcharts for Tuesday only.   Unfortunately, this is not the way in which we had hoped to end our Summer term, but we wish you all a restful break and will see ...
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Duke of Edinburgh

Congratulations to the pupils who completed their Duke of Edinburgh expedition.
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Sports Day

Sports day will take place on Monday 17th July for year 7 and 8 and on Tuesday 18th July for year 9 and 10. Pupils should have signed up for events with their form tutor. There's still time to be added to the roster - see your form tutor. If pupils are taking part, they should come to school in full PE kit with suitable equipment if necessary. They...
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Year 10 `World of Work' morning

Our Year 10 pupils took part in a recent `World of Work' morning. They took part in mock interviews with local employers and received some great feedback. 
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Year 7 County Championship Success

Well done to the Year 7 pupils who took part in the County Athletics championships through at Whitehaven today.  All pupils performed well against the most talented athletes from across Cumbria at that age group and we are pleased to say we have two County champions at St John Henry Newman Catholic School. Zaidyn T won the ...
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Year 11 Leavers Assembly

We said a fond farewell to our Year 11s at their leavers assembly on Thursday 22 June.   We would like to wish all of the pupils the best of luck for the future and hope to see many of them back in September joining our Sixth Form. Stay safe and enjoy your summer.Mr Callaghan and the Year 11 team. 
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Year 5 Tours

If you have a child in Year 5 and in the process of choosing a secondary school for September 2024, we would like to invite you to take a look around our fantastic new school.  To book an individual tour,  please contact Mrs Hannen on 01228 404942 x 220. 
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Year 10 World of Work Morning

On Friday 30 June, Year 10's took part in a World of Work morning in school. This event entails a range of career-focused activities, culminating in a 20-minute mock job interview with a local employer. This opportunity will equip our pupils with practical insights into various professions and provide them with essential interview skills, ensu...
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Leo bounces in Regional and Inter Regional Cup

Congratulations to Leo in Year 7 who bounced in the Regional Challenge Cup & Inter Regional Challenge Cup Qualifier (Q3) in Ashington this weekend. He is delighted to have made it into the North of England squad again this year, placing 2nd yesterday and through to the final in Birmingham in September.
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Year 5 Open Evening - Thursday 29 June 2023

We are holding an open evening for Year 5 parents on Thursday 29 June from 4.30 pm to 7.30 pm.  There will be two information talks, one at 5.00 pm and another at 6.00 pm.  Last tours will commence at 6.45 pm.
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