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Newman School News

Electricity North West KS3 - Electricity Themed Show ‘Powering Up To Save The Planet'

Pupils in Years 7,8 and 9 will be attending an electricity themed show in school `Powering up to save the planet' on Friday 2 May 2024.
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Year 12 Online Parents' Evening - Tuesday 30 April 2024

The Year 12 Online Parent's Evening will take place via our online platform School Cloud on Tuesday 30 April 2024 from 4.30 pm - 7.00 pm.   
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Year 7 Castlerigg Retreat Day Visit - 7ELL/7KAN - Tuesday 30 April

On Tuesday 30 April all pupils in 7ELL and 7KAN will visit Castlerigg Manor Retreat for a day visit. Pupils will leave school at 9.00 am and will return by 3.00 pm in time for the end of the school day. The cost of the trip is £15.00 and this can be paid and consent given via school iPay under the fund Castlerigg Day Trip.
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Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Group Walk

The Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Group did a circular route alongside the River Rothay and Dockey Tarn, with a slight detour to Rydal Caves to practise map reading, compass skills and walking together in their teams. 
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Year 8's Visit to Glasgow Science Centre

A group of Year 8 Pupils visited the Glasgow Science Centre.  They experienced `The wonders of the night sky' in the Planetarium, `The International Space Station in 3D in the IMAX Theatre and 3 amazing floors of interactive exhibits. 
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World Book Day

We celebrated World Book Day on 7 March with a number of activities in school, including best decorated egg, best dressed teacher, crack the book code and many more.  
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Year 5 Primary School Visits

We welcomed Year 5's from St Cuthbert's, Wreay and Bishop Harvey Goodwin Primary Schools. The pupils took part in a carousel of workshops including DT, English and PE.  Big thank you to our Year 10 helpers on the day! 
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Chrism Mass - Lancaster Cathedral

The Bishop of Lancaster has invited St John Henry Newman pupils to join him to celebrate the Chrism Mass on Thursday 28 March 2024.This will give pupils an opportunity to visit and explore the Cathedral and take part in the Mass with pupils and parishioners from across the diocese
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Year 10 Online Parents' Evening - 26 March 2024

 The Year 10 Online Parents' Evening is on Tuesday 26 March 2024 between 4.30 pm and 7.00 pm via our online platform SchoolCloud.
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Year 7 Students of the Month

Our Year 7 Students of the Month for January were awarded for High Quality and Standard of Work.  Well done Year 7!
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Catch up vaccinations - DTP & Men ACWY Year 9, 10, 11

Catch up vaccinations will be taking place in school on Tuesday 19 March 2024. Forms have been posted out parents/carers to be signed and returned to school.
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Year 8 Online Parents' Evening - 12 March 2024

The Year 8 Online Parents' Evening will take place on Tuesday 14 March 2024 between 4.30 pm and 7.00 pm via our online platform SchoolCloud. 
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Sixth Formers inspiring our future scientists

The LRC Science Club that has been led by our amazing Year 13's - Ayden, Witek, Abigail, Joseph & Josie has wrapped up its successful run this academic year. As important A-Level exams approach, the Year 13's decided to conclude the club on a high note. They had a blast celebrating the final session, reminiscing on all of the incredible topics ...
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Multi-skills Panathlon Event

A group of pupils took part in the latest multi-skills Panathlon event which was held at Harraby Campus Sports Hall. The pupils had a great morning taking part in a wide range of sporting activities. 
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Children’s Mental Health Week 5-11 February 2024

Our Pupil Librarians celebrated Children's Mental Health Week by organising a series of well-being activities to help pupils express their thoughts, feelings, and ideas.  A big thank you to all those who came along and got involved.
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Pupils Make their Mark - Youth Parliament

Making Your Mark is a UK wide ballot that gives young people aged between 11-18 years the opportunity to vote for the topics they feel are the most important and issues facing young people locally and across the UK. Ballot papers have been added to tutor folders for pupils to complete during form time.
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Half Term Holiday

 The half term holiday is Monday 12 - Friday 16 February 2024.
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Bikeability Sessions

Well done to the pupils who took part in the Bikeability sessions last week. The pupils learned about road safety and awareness, important decision making and many skills to keep themselves safe and feel more confident whilst riding on the roads. 
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Year 10's re-enacting Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet

As part of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet unit this term, pupils in Mrs Johnston's and Ms Braschko's Year 10 classes re-enacted the lines of the prologue and Act 1 of the play. 
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Year 11 Sixth Form/College Taster Day

On Tuesday 30 January we will be holding a Sixth Form and College Taster Day for our Year 11 pupils. 
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Think U Know
Young Writers
Catholic Teaching Alliance
Accelerated Reader
Microsoft Office Specialist
Ofsted ParentView
