By S James on Friday, 11 March 2022
Category: General News

Science Week

It's Science Week next week and the theme this year is Growth. We have lots of activities happening in school:

Pupils in Years 7-9 are going to plant a tree in science lessons and have a competition to see whose can germinate first.

The BBC 'Science Focus' weekly journal is being launched in the LRC.The 

LRC is running a competition for the best fact about growth - pupils can post their entries there.

Year 8 are visiting the Life Centre in Newcastle.

During assemblies next week Mr Orton is running a science poster competition on the theme of growth.

Tutor groups will be taking part in a sunflower growing competition. 

Years 7 and 8 will be taking part in designing a lab coat colouring competition on the theme of growth in tutor groups one day next week.